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Rising Stars Programme by ID Liner: Digital Hairstroke Brows
ID Liner Fundamentals: Digital Hairstroke Brows
Hairstroke Brow Theory Class (78:58)
Face Shapes
Brow Characteristics & Shapes
Brow Design Principles, Mapping & Drawing In
Brow Hairstroke Workbook 1
Latex Technique Practise (14:07)
Hairstroke Latex Technique (20:20)
Hairstroke Brow Mapping (7:33)
Hairstroke Brow Predraw (5:11)
First Pass Right Brow Hairstroke (13:14)
First Pass Left Brow Hairstroke (8:51)
Second Pass Right Brow Hairstroke (6:28)
Second Pass Left Brow Hairstroke (9:51)
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Brow Design Principles, Mapping & Drawing In
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